When travelling to new or different countries, you need to take precautions regarding the food and drink you consume and ensure you are vaccinated appropriately before leaving home.
What are the most important things to consider when I’m
When travelling to new or different countries, ensure you are
vaccinated appropriately before leaving home, and take precautions
regarding the food and drink you consume while away.
How can I keep myself healthy when travelling?
Wash your hands or use a hand sanitiser after visiting the toilet
and before eating. Drink lots of safe water (bottled with seal
intact, previously boiled, or purified yourself) to stay hydrated
and take appropriate medication and clothing.
Are there any foods and drinks that I should avoid?
Unless you are sure about its quality, don’t drink tap water
(including ice cubes). Instead purchase bottled water with seal
intact, or boil or purify water before using. Make sure food is
piping hot and served in hygienic conditions. Ensure that fresh
fruit can be peeled before eating and wash any food in bottled or
boiled water.